Feedback On My Ideas

Feedback On My Ideas

In this post I will be writing about what feedback I received for my three music video ideas.

Feedback For Idea 1:

This idea consists with the artist in the bed dancing and after entering a different room where other girls are and they all are dancing together.

- When the artist enters the other room, her outfit could completely change so she matches the dancers.

- I got told that it was smart how my idea was simplistic and complete in a way and can be easily done.
- Regarding the grainy filming I wanted to incorporate, I could try replicate that within the editing software, however, it usually doesn't always look the same, and filming the video with an actual camera that will create this effect is very difficult to learn for beginners. 
- If I still wanted to achieve the grainy effect I could get the footage on youtube and overlay it on my footage.
- I could also try add a scene of narrative which would work in neatly and would add an extra element so that viewers won't get bored of it.
- The rotation camera work I thought about would work well with the video concept and the song itself as well. (chilled/free flowing aspect of it).
- For my A2 coursework it is good to learn about different camera techniques and incorporating them so early on really shows my determination for it. 
- For the bedroom bit of the girl laying I should focus on specific moves she should be doing that line up with the song lyrics or that look typical for that type of genre of music.
- Singing in the bedroom is a nice idea, however, when she changes to different rooms it could then look very repetitive.

Feedback For Idea 2:

This idea consists of the artist and 3 others in a fake car. Which after switches to the alley of all of them together (playful theme).

- Someone thought that the fake car might be too difficult to incorporate.

- Including another visual strand like stopping to get ice cream etc that would still fit in to the playful vibe of the idea.
- Including the drawings/fine art on top of the video is very cool and would fit in very well with the childlike vibe.
- The toy car is a great idea, however, after this performance where would it lead to. It needs more of a solid direction. 

Feedback For Idea 3:

This idea consists of the artist singing in an empty coloured room, then it would switch to her ex-boyfriend who is acting like a typical dude and lastly I would have the artist with her best friends having a type of slumber party. 

- The idea of having two split screens with intense colours could be too simplistic, however, much less of a hassle when having to actually film the video.
- Instead of having the girls slumber party at the end of the video, I could incorporate it throughout the whole video. Therefore, instead of having only two split screens, I could have three box rooms where; The first is the singer, the second one is the ex-boyfriend and the third is all of the girls together. This might work better as it all fits in together as a whole. 
- What also could work is whilst the camera is switching between the three different sets, the main artist could be going back to the boyfriend, then back to her friends a few times, which demonstrates the real issues of girls obsession of always going back to their ex-boyfriend. 

Conclusion Of All Ideas

- In all of my ideas I got told that all of the visuals are very appealing and simplistic.

- All of the songs for my ideas are all of the similar genre. This could be an issue if I were to work with other people. 
- It would've been better for me to variate the genres of music.
- Each of the ideas has the same issue which is, there isn't enough going on in each of them which will end with it becoming dull and non appealing to viewers.
- If I took the best parts from each one of the ideas and found a way to connect them and make them flow I could have a well constructed music video. For example; I could have the girl performing in the toy car down a road, then I could cut to the bedroom with her and the backup dancers, and lastly add in the drawings/fine art to make it unique. 
