Feedback From Treatments

Feedback From Treatments 

In this post I will be writing up the feedback we received from our two ideas.

Feedback We Received:


- They preferred this song best 'Better Off' because it fits in best with the aesthetic, where as the second song 'Stromboli' had a more of an indie feel to it rather than girly/colourful. 
- We started off with wanting it to be a girl band but they said it wouldn't fit in as it only includes one artist singing.
- The main set that appealed mostly to them was the room with a mattress and lava lamps because many different shots can be achieved to make it interesting. 
- We will include the costume and makeup because they thought it matched very well to the colour scheme. The only element that we should think about is how the artist stands out from the others. 


- The male lead wasn't strong enough for the song 'Stromboli' because the concept was limited in detail and performance. 
- The three coloured box idea had been done several times before and only really fits in with artist that already have a platform and viewers. This means that people will tend to associate famous music videos to ours which is no longer making it unique. 
- As well as this, after a while of looking at the video the three boxes idea can easily start to be boring to look at. 
- The girls dancing all together in the performance suits both pitches and should be used also by using synchronized dancing that fits in well with the beat of the song. 
- The projection idea has a wide variety of different patterns we can use to link it in with the idea better. It is visually impressive and 'cool'. 


- We could join all of the elements from both pitches into one for the song 'Better Off" to create a stronger music video concept. 
- We have to make each set link up together so it doesn't look random. Such as; Having the room filled with lava lamps which can be turned on or off, also incorporating the projections in the same set just by making the set darker.
- The idea of having graphic/line art in the video is another element we can work with to give it that playful vibe. 

Development From Feedback:


- We all have agreed on going forward with the first song 'Better Off' as it fits our aesthetic best. 
- We have also decided to only have the one solo artist instead of a band, however, we will still include the 4 girls as backup dancers to make it more visually appealing.
- We agreed that we are going to shoot the whole music video in the room filled with lava lamps. This could be used throughout the whole video because there are so many shots you can get and also we can move things around to make it look different for the projection for instance. 
- We decided on only having one costume which are the boiler suits. All of the backup dancers will each wear a different colour including the makeup. We had to change the artists costume so that she would stand out from the others, therefore, we thought she could wear a whole white boiler suit and incorporating all of the different colours that the other girls are wearing into her makeup.


- We are going ahead with the whole girl cast because the concept fits in best with the song, (artist talking about how she doesn't need a man).
- The three boxes idea isn't original and unique therefore we forgot about that idea and we are going forward with the first song, however, still including elements from this song idea as well. 
- We will keep the idea of girls dancing synchronized all together as it will create interesting shots. 
- For the projections we will need research about it and find different images that would suit. 


- We have all agreed on that we are going forward with the song 'Better Off". 
- For the line/graphic art we want to add in when editing it could be difficult to achieve, however, we will research further into it and if it end up not working we can just not use that element as it won't affect the video. 

What Each Of Us Will Do:

Greta - I will research into how to incorporate line/graphic editing in the video. I will also research and find makeup we will use in the video. 

Mia - She will research into how to use projections and find different pictures to use. She will also research the costumes we want. 

Arwen - She will research into how we will get the lava lamps. She will also find the main costume for the artist. 

Kat - She will find another element to include in the video that is more edgy. 
