Evaluation Of Shoot Day

Evaluation Of Shoot Day 

In this post I will be writing about how the shoot day went and what happened.

The day before the actual shoot day we went it to set up the set and planned fully how we wanted it to look for the day. We started off with scraping parts of the wall off to get the effect we wanted of it looking rough. Once we did this we then started painting the walls with white and splashed on the colours pink and blue that suited out aesthetic. We then re painted the floor black as a lot of the paint fell onto the floor so we had to clean it up even thought for the first set we would put in wooden floor boards. This all took longer than expected therefore we planned on getting in earlier the next day to finish off the set. 

On the shoot day I woke up feeling both excited and nervous on how it would turn out. However, I was confident it would go well as we had been and still are very organised with what we need to be done. I was nervous only because we want everything to look perfect including the casts makeup and costumes which I didn't know how long it would take but I came into the shoot with a positive and energetic attitude. I felt that I was very prepared for the shoot because the night before me and my group spoke about the last minute things we needed and I packed it all up, even the elements that the cast was supposed to bring it yet we brought in backups just in case if they had forgotten. Before we started shooting we had to finish off the whole set and we had to also plug in the lava lamps an hour before to make sure they were functional when it came to start shooting. 

When we started the shoot I was very proud of how our set turned out because it is what we pictured and if not better. This is because, it gave out both the pop and synth pop vibe which made it easier to fit our genre. The set also wouldn't take away the attention off the main artist or the dancers which made it fit in well with our concept. 

We divided the roles between us which was; Kat was the director, Arwen was the cinematographer, Mia helped with playback and finally I focused on helping out with anything that was needed as well as organising the costumes, hair & makeup for the whole cast to make sure that it didn't take up too much time as we had to focus on shooting footage. I also assisted when the cast needed direction on what to do for the camera, therefore, I guided them through it so they wouldn't feel awkward on camera. Personally, I think I organised and helped out very well during the shoot day especially when I guided the cast on what to do for the camera so that they never got bored or out of interest which usually tends to happen and it could make it look bad for the footage we shot. Mia is editing therefore she was playback and helped with videos for behind the scenes with me. 

I would say the only problems we had on the shoot day was when it came to timing and getting the whole cast ready with hair and makeup. This is because, we planned a specific hairstyle for each costume meaning that on the day we had to rush as we didn't think well enough on how long we would actually need to get them ready as they are 5 girls so it takes longer. We solved this problem by always making sure that the main artist was ready before any of the dancers so that if we hadn't finished, the artist could go in to the shoot and we could focus on getting the other girls ready whilst that is happening. At the end, it all turned out well and we learnt for next time that these elements do take longer than we think. 

The part of the shoot I thought was most successful was when we used the projections because it really made the video come to life and make it unique. This is because we projected our own lava lamps onto the cast which made it coincide yet create a different setting. On the other hand, a part of the shoot that could've gone better would be when we shot the whole cast all together because we didn't get enough footage on it meaning that we will have to repeat shots several times in editing. We managed the actors particularly well by making sure they were always focused and not getting bored. If we could've done anything to improve it would be having planned some directions before the shoot day so it would've been more clear for them but other than that I did a good job on communicating with them.

The part of the shoot I enjoyed the most would be when we did the projections because it gave me the opportunity to direct the actors on what to do behind the camera. Also I loved the colours and effects it had onto the main artist because her makeup and eyes stood out a lot. In the edit I'm looking forward to seeing the footage on a big screen and being able to see how it all comes together to the beat of the song. 

I feel that our production group worked really well as a team because we respected each others roles and if anyone needed help we would always be there for anything that was needed. As well as this, we worked well before the shoot day as all of us are organised and made sure everything was ready for the shoot day. 

In the shoot day I learnt that planning the times you shoot before the actual day is vital because it is something you think doesn't take a long time yet it does which limited our footage on the day. If we had planned it more thoroughly we probably would've fitted in a few more shots to use later on. 

In relation to the digipak and website, I don't think we will have to make any changes to them as the video did coincide well with what we expected for our concept. We anyway want to make sure that the digipak and website are different to the video and only include small elements that link to it. 

Overall, the shoot day really helped me for the future and knowing how to plan a music video before actually shooting it. It also helped me with my communication skills and being more open to other people when directing the cast. 
