Changes Made From Focus Group

Changes Made From Focus Group

In this post I will be demonstrating what changes we have made from the feedback we received from the focus group.




What I Changed:

Several of us did not think the yellow matched the style of our artist because it took away the attention from her and instead people would instantly look at the text. Also it could be mistaken for a mcdonalds advert. Therefore, to improve this I tried out different colours that were more subtle rather than strong vibrant colours. I finally used grey for all of the text and realised it suits very well because it fits in with the artist hat and nail colour. 

Another element of it that I changed was the font of the inner left corner and matched it with the back cover. I used the online website DaFont to experiment with various fonts that I thought would suit. I finally chose the font that is added because it gives it that organic effect as well as making it unique. Another reason to why I changed the font was because our focus group couldn't read the digipak clearly which is an important aspect to apply in a smart way.

Lastly, on the front cover I switched the name of the album and the name of the artist the opposite way around. I did this because her name is more important than the album itself and I also made sure to enlarge her name so it is the main name that the audience will see and be able to recognise. 

To perfect the digipak I then focused on making the panels fit into the right layout. I then added the name of the artist and album on the middle part of the digipak.




What Arwen Changed:

After the focus group we realised that the website should include some pop vibes in order to establish the genre, however, also keeping its edginess. To do this we changed the photos, especially the front cover. We changed the front cover to one that had a pink background to give it the girly vibe, but the pose of the artist shows she's organic as you can't see her eyes clearly which gives her that mystery. 
