Negus's Theory

Negus's Theory

In this post I will be writing about Negus's theory. 

His theory is on the organic ideology of creativity and the synthetic ideology of creativity artists. To begin with organic ideology is the naturalistic approach to artists, this means that the artist has gotten successful without having help from their record company making them ideal. The record company will only 'enhance' the image of the artist. As well as getting successful themselves this implies that the artist is also given time to evolve and progress throughout their career. This often attracts older or more sophisticated people and their income tend to be long term which is why they carry on their career. Most organic artists will keep on with their career long after they began as it is all natural and is not a made up person. 

This brings us to the other part which is the synthetic ideology of artists. Which is a combination approach to artists and material. The image of the artist is 'fake' as they are usually constructed by the record company completely. In addition, the artist will be given a very short period of time to prove their success prior to the other combinations will be tried out on them to make them more successful. I feel like synthetic is as if an artist was just an experiment so that the record label can earn money and if it doesn't work out that artist will just die out whilst the record company can easily find another person for them to experiment on. This type of ideology is usually aimed at a younger, less sophisticated audiences. Lastly, their income tends to always be short term by the record company this is for their own security on if the artist becomes successful or not. 

Organic Artist: 


Music Video:


Taylor Swift 


Music Video:

