Conventions Of Music
Music Conventions
In this post I will be writing about conventions that have to do with music.
The conventions are the codes to be able to identify what type of genre it is. There are always things that people would expect from the different types of genre. It all always ends up about selling and selling to the right audiences. The conventions also make it easier for an audience to understand what type of text they are consuming and enable them to know what genre it is that the artist creates. The purpose of a music video is to promote the album and also helps sell merchandise or concert tickets from their website. This supports their brand name to become bigger than they are. There are two different section in the conventions of music; Technical Conventions & Symbolic Conventions.
Technical conventions relate to the styles of camera, editing and sound (which can be diegetic or non diegetic however it can also be apart of narratives as well).
Symbolic conventions relate to mise-en-scene like; costumes, props, location/setting, colours, lighting, makeup, performance and the arrangement of band members if it's not a single artist (singer at the front to show he/she is more important).
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