Developing Our Star Image And Inspiration
Developing Our Star Image And Inspiration
In this post I will be explaining on why we made the choices for the music video and how it will help our new artist in order to have a star image.
Below I have added a link to my research of similar products of our genre:
Our song is 'Childhood Dreams' by ARY, the genre is synth pop. This genre is influenced originally by rock as well as disco music, this meant a more edgy vibe to pop. Therefore, to demonstrate it we looked at similar products which we could take ideas from to establish the genre. For example, the artist Charli XCX's music videos really helped up in the way of what to do in our video, most of them include strong fierce women who are also having fun.
This is the feeling we want to put out to the audience. By doing this we have picked out a specific all girl cast, that suits the aesthetic of the video and also making sure they had the tough look straight away when having met them. We need this type of look because throughout the whole video we wanted to focus on one expression that will make the video, if we added in a part where they were happy it wouldn't look right all together, as then, it will look as if they are angry instead of that fierce look we want to apply.
This is the feeling we want to put out to the audience. By doing this we have picked out a specific all girl cast, that suits the aesthetic of the video and also making sure they had the tough look straight away when having met them. We need this type of look because throughout the whole video we wanted to focus on one expression that will make the video, if we added in a part where they were happy it wouldn't look right all together, as then, it will look as if they are angry instead of that fierce look we want to apply.
As our cast itself looking moody and fierce, we needed to pick out costumes that would make them stand out in a different way. Also, it is better if we include more of the pop vibe within the costume, that is why we chose colourful, feminine outfits that will also establish our genre, as well as, create trends which will widen audiences. When we chose the costumes we planned on having a late 70s style combined with the modern style that we wear nowadays, this gives off a retro look to it instead of making it look perfect and overused.
This is similar to these videos:
DUA LIPA - New Rules
For our costumes we used pastel like colours to achieve this type of aesthetic. This was also chosen to brighten up the video itself and link it more to the pop genre. This type of clothing will embrace the femininity of the artist.
TOVE LO - Disco Tits
This video links in with the style of how we want to use jeans and crop tops that look great on camera and gives it the powerful effect combined with colour as well.
Below is a blog post on what we got for costumes & props:
We created one minimalistic set which we can then move around to look different for various shots. Also to establish the genre, we include colour as well as, darkness to make it edgy rather than too girly. Our set differentiates to artist’s music videos like Taylor Swift because they are very perfect and classical in the way that it has been done before several times.
The layout inspiration was from:
Below are music videos that differentiate from our set and style:
Below is a link to my blog post on how each set will look:
Below is a link to my blog post on the different lightings we will use:
We got the inspiration from Charli XCX’s and Little Boots’ music videos from the use of neon lighting and strobe lights to create dynamic. It will also help with the beat of the song to stop it from being dull and boring to watch for the audience.
Rough style of projections:
Rough style of graphic art:
BRUNO MARS - That's What I Like
Our primary target audience is girls aged 18-20.
Particularly girls between the ages 18-20 will be drawn to this video mainly because we are using 5 strong independent looking females which they can look up to and aspire to be. In order to attract them we have their fierce looks and attitude to establish it. To show this, we will carefully focus on the camera shots and each of the cast’s different looks as all of them are from different countries around the world, this will attract a wider range of audiences around the world.
Our artist is purely organic. This is implied by the simplicity of the set showing that she only cares for her music and getting it out for people to hear, rather than selling the artist herself. It also shows this, because of how she dresses, showing she has her own style. This will set trends to the primary audience which will further to larger sales of her music. On the other hand, the artist is independent, which is shown by entering her in the frame and using multiple close ups to show her different style to others which also fits in well with the colours of the set and lighting.
In conclusion, we can establish that our artist is confident yet still embraces her feminine side which will appeal to our primary target audience as a strong powerful female role model, as most are considered male. Therefore, we will change that perspective which will make her unique to all other artists in the industry.
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